Simpra inventory

Easy Ordering & Stock Management for Branches

Simpra Inventory easily performs stock tracking and supply management for all branches. Simpra Inventory is fully integrated with various ERP applications such as Logo adn Netsis. Simpra Inventory transfers the data generated in the system to the ERP system. In addition, it also transfers the orders to the ERP system and automatically pulls the devliery note and invoices sent from the ERP system into Simpra Inventory.

Order Placement

The central branch preapres
easy order lists for the branches in
Simpra Inventory and the authorized
people at the branches place orders
simplh by entering the

Initiation of Shipment

When the orders are placed in Simpra Inventory, they are displayed as sales orders. Through the ERP application. they are converted into shipment with the order delivery note or invoice.

Adding to Stocks

The shipped order is instantly viewable and waited by the branch in Simpra Inventory.
When the delivery is completed, the branch adds the products to its stocks with a single click.

Updadating of Stocks

The materials used in the products for sale are defined and the amounts specified in the product recipe are instantly deducted from the stocks when the product is sold using
the Simpra POS system.

Simpra POS

Cloud-Based Restaurant Management System

Simpra POS
Top Performance on
iOS, Android, Linux and Web
Simpra POS
Fast service / Table service
Delivery service / Retail
Simpra POS
Central administation /
Central reporting
Simpra POS
Top Performance on
iOS, Android, Linux and Web
Simpra POS
Fast service / Table service
Delivery service / Retail
Simpra POS
Central administation /
Central reporting
Simpra POS
Different brand, concept and
franchise management
Simpra POS
New Features with updates
Simpra POS
Unlimited data / Unlimited reports /
Unlimited integration
Simpra POS
Different brand, concept and
franchise management
Simpra POS
New Features with updates
Simpra POS
Unlimited data / Unlimited reports /
Unlimited integration
Restaurant Management
Made Easy with Simpra Suite!
Simpra POS
Cloud-based POS System
Simpra Inventory
Stock and Cost Management Module
Simpra Wizlo
Omnichannel Sales and Loyalty Solution
Simpay PAY
Contactless Payment System
Made Easy with Simpra Suite!


On the mobile of the loyal customer


At Home or at Work


On the boss’s mobile


On the boss’s mobile

On the mobile of the
loyal customer
You can display all menu details
over your mobile